What is this blog really about? Borderline Personality Disorder- The Mess and The Bliss In One Mind



My name is Tina.


I am a woman, a girl, a human being.

I live day by day, striked by the every step I take.

My Borderline Personality Disorder has made my life a bliss, and turned it sometimes into a living hell.

The difference between two of them (mess vs.bliss),  is sometimes hard to tell, because the changes come and go rapidly, sometimes through couple of minutes.

If you know anything about BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder), you will definitely know what I am talking about. 

Even though, my life is a constant rollercoaster, I try hard to keep my feet on the ground and my head clear.

This is my story. I am Tina and I have BPD.

It is nice to meet you!


11 thoughts on “What is this blog really about? Borderline Personality Disorder- The Mess and The Bliss In One Mind

  1. abimazumdar June 7, 2014 / 9:23 PM

    You are an inspiration. Not only have you dealt with BPD, but you have chosen to share your problems with the world. I think that shows a lot of courage. I look forward to more of your posts. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • tinamess June 7, 2014 / 9:32 PM

      Thank you for a really nice compliment. 🙂
      I wish my inspiration is more cheerful, but I cannot change who I am.
      I decided to share all of this, because BPD is a grey area, stigmatized and unknown in the society.
      For the doctors, we are the worst kind of psych patients.
      Nobody wants a BPD person in a therapy, believe me.

      So, I do it also for a greater cause.

      Thank you once again. That is such a nice comment and compliment you gave me. 🙂


  2. Addicted Scotian June 23, 2014 / 1:04 PM

    Hi Tina, thanks for sharing your insight and experiences with BPD. Just recently, I came across a quiz for this Disorder and I finally feel like I know now “what’s wrong” with me. It’s comforting, knowing I’m not alone. Blessings. Jazz

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tina The Mess June 23, 2014 / 4:31 PM

      No, your’e not alone,unfortunately, or thankfully.

      It depends on how you look at it. 😀

      Here on the WP is a great and growing community for raising mental health awareness, so you can find a lot of infos, and tips.

      But be aware of triggering material. Be sure you are strong enough to read it.

      And another question. Has your BPD been confirmed by a specialist?

      Never diagnose yourself through the internet.

      Las time I did that,my answer was a brain tumor, and chronic diarrhea of unknown cause. LOL.

      Just trying to be supportive,sorry for the sarcasm,that’s the way I am. 😀



      • Addicted Scotian June 23, 2014 / 8:03 PM

        Hahah 😂 not funny but funny. Ya I’m going too get a referral to a psychiatrist from my Dr. 🙂 I need to see someone other then my GP, she doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about I don’t think

        Liked by 1 person

        • Tina The Mess June 23, 2014 / 9:35 PM

          There’s no GP in the world who could really help you in a complicated situation.

          Psych is a specialist, that’s something else.

          My GPlistens to me talking about my problems and probably thinks how she’s going to bake a cheesecake tomorrow. at least her face looks like that.
          Then I start to talk about the weather, and get my psych referral, and I walk out like a complete shit.

          Nevermind, the cheesecake is really important. 😀


  3. rin January 28, 2015 / 1:21 PM

    yesterday my parents took me to a psychiatrist and i was diagnosed with a severe BPD, they couldn’t refuse it more
    saying “im fine its just a psychiatrist talk to earn money”, i tried to act like usual as if Nothing happened but they didn’t, giving me attention and saying that “this is our healthy girl” , i broke my parents heart by being like this, it is torture and whatever was in my head is getting more intense .


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