Lost Soldier




“When did you know you were lost?” he asked
Sitting beside me
On a sand and shells cracks.

“A longtime ago”, I whispered in his ear
“Maybe even before I was even born”,
“But don’t worry, I don’t even mourn”.

“How’s that?”, his face in wonder
Eyes searching for an answer
In the bluest afternoon of my own flounder.

“Let me tell you a story about a girl gone
Into the World of the Unknown “.

And a story began to speak slowly of a burden
That this girl bear
Words softly flowing in the salty air.

I became a lone soldier
Fully separated from a pack
I am a lone soldier
Learned how to watch my own back.

I am a lone soldier
With my own personality

A soldier that won’t run
One of the few that can use
Only my voice as my gun.

It might just be me in doubt
Why is this World so full of fault.

Head up towards the sky
The ground to my knee’s
I ask him why
I plead and I plead.

I ask him for a sign
When the World will be free
And I’m still looking for the long-lost key.

I am a lone soldier
Fighting my own fight
I am a lone soldier
The word of the pledge to use as my knife.

I am a lone soldier
Trying to do no wrong
Without anyone to whom
I could say farewell and so long.

I am alone, a lost soldier
Knee deep in the sand of dishonesty
Looking for the key

For this World lost in duplicity.


23 thoughts on “Lost Soldier

  1. andy1076 July 1, 2014 / 2:48 PM

    You’re a lone soldier facing the world on your own, but I’ll always be near to hold the light 🙂


    • Tina The Mess July 4, 2014 / 9:21 AM

      Hi Joan!

      Thanks a lot for your comment. 🙂

      I’m glad you liked it. 😀



    • Tina The Mess July 4, 2014 / 9:20 AM


      Thank you for your beautiful comment which really means a lot to me. 🙂

      I’m late with this response, but the last few days have been a mess for me.

      Now, as I’m back from the mess, or how I call it “The La-La Land”, I am able to say thank you. 😀

      Tina. 🙂


      • thewizardsword July 4, 2014 / 9:54 AM

        I was with you in The Mess yesterday. They are rough times, for sure. Abysmal. Glad to hear your are feeling better.


        • Tina The Mess July 4, 2014 / 10:26 AM

          Thank you. 🙂

          Much better.

          But, as you have read, I’m a living rollercoaster, up’s and down’s, what a joyride. 😀

          I’m glad to be here again,with amazing people and their amazing thoughts and their writing. 🙂

          Soul food, you know?

          And I’m especially thankful for your inspiring dose of the soul dessert’s. 😀

          Thanks again. 🙂



          • thewizardsword July 4, 2014 / 2:56 PM

            We are on the exact same rollercoaster, Tina. This is another reason I am so happy to have found your blog.


            • Tina The Mess July 4, 2014 / 6:35 PM

              Same here!

              Keep safe, keep strong!

              Always secure your seat belt, ’cause we’re having a hell of a ride, don’t we?

              Take care and thank you for your comment. 🙂



  2. jannatwrites July 2, 2014 / 5:56 AM

    This is wonderful! I read it several times and really enjoyed the flow and the repetition of the ‘I am a soldier’. It’s a tough world out there.


    • Tina The Mess July 2, 2014 / 6:42 PM

      Thanks a lot on your comment!

      It really is, the though and the rough world.

      I think if you don’t fight every day, struggle for yourself, you will be …lost. 🙂


  3. Jennifer G. Knoblock July 2, 2014 / 9:06 AM

    I love this line, “Words softly flowing in the salty air.” The repetition makes it feel very song-like.


  4. Suzanne July 2, 2014 / 4:04 PM

    I like the way you used repetition in this. It drives home that sense of loneliness.


    • Tina The Mess July 2, 2014 / 6:40 PM

      Thanks Suzanne.

      I wanted that feeling of loneliness emphasized.

      I’m glad you think it worked. 🙂


    • Tina The Mess July 3, 2014 / 10:13 AM

      Thank you a lot! 🙂

      Words are the most powerful weapons, aren’t they?



  5. Blake July 3, 2014 / 2:52 PM

    I always enjoy how your poems have such strongly visualised images – “Knee deep in the sand of dishonesty” is another great example.


    • Tina The Mess July 3, 2014 / 5:49 PM

      Oh, thank you so much Blake!

      I realy appreciate your comment! 🙂


    • Tina The Mess July 3, 2014 / 7:05 PM

      Thank you so much for your comment!

      It means a lot to me. 🙂


  6. era.b July 4, 2014 / 4:05 PM

    Ooo, this is so good and so sad, too.


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