The Joyride Of Guest Blogging



I said “Wow!”, when I saw the invitation from Opinionated Men to be a Guest Blogger on The Harsh Reality Blog, which has followers more than a small city.

Because, guys and girls, I’m a newbie here, a beginner, a new girl in the town!

Was that a feeling of honour? You cannot imagine how big it was for me. The Big one!

I trembled as a little girl in the class, trying to get the best out of me, since the teacher is harsh,and I don’t wanted a full embarrassment.

This time not in the front of the class, but in front of almost 40,000 followers (39,185 to be exact)!


I wrote the five post, as we agreed.

I did proofreading on each post probably around one thousand times.

I did spell checking, rephrasing, re-reading.

I banged my head at the desk when I found an error in the fifth reading.

Guys, it was hard!

But it was a joyride as well. A whole new experience! And I liked it A LOT!

It was like a trip in a foreign unknown country, not knowing what to expect!

The backpack travel, full of enthusiasm.


The response from the Harsh Reality blog / City, was amazing.


And, why did I wrote this post anyway?

Not to brag myself.

I wanted to thank you all who read what I write (my blah-blah’s), and comment and like and re-blog…just wanted to say to all of you


And a big thanks to Opinionated Men (, for giving me a great challenge.

A new girl in town is happy!

And now the bragging part, sorry guys I just have too! LOL!







And now,one of my favourite posts from OM (Opinionated Men):

– For Men Only – 10 Ways to get Out of an Argument.

Read it! Joy, joy!


So, this is it.

My tour in the Harsh City has ended with a happy feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

No, I didn’t eat them! They appeared suddenly, and I hope they will stay for a while!






5 thoughts on “The Joyride Of Guest Blogging

  1. andy1076 June 29, 2014 / 6:16 PM

    Heading over to read your post 😉


  2. Opinionated Man June 29, 2014 / 7:11 PM

    I am happy to hear it was an enjoyable experience for you and thank you for taking the time to post on HR! 🙂


    • Tina The Mess June 29, 2014 / 7:40 PM

      Thank you OM, once more!

      It was an adventure, joyride and a great challenge for me!


      Keep posting in your City, I am looking forward to every of your posts.




  3. sophiebowns July 7, 2014 / 5:37 PM

    I’d really love to guest blog!


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